(470) 327-8344 | moc.levartyenruojos%40olleh

Sojourney Travel Support Team

Agency Support

What is the Sojourney Travel Support Team?

Sojourney Travel’s Support Team helps with client and admin tasks. The tasks can range from creating proposals, making supplier calls for answers, making payments, adding insurance, changing trip dates/modifications and other back office administrative tasks for the agency. The team is entrusted with sensitive and confidential data.
The support contractors are paid an hourly wage to help with tasks. Members of the Support Team are required to keep up with a time sheet (Excel Sheet) to turn into Lori every Payroll week. Members will be paid by the 1/4 hour. You can round up to the next 1/4 of an hour. Ex: Work 6 minutes, you round to 15 minutes. Time sheet entry would be .25 hourWe can create a Time sheet for you and post in at the top of a Teams Chat with Lori so you both have access.
There are occasionally times where Lori will send a client to you to "ghost write" proposals AS HER. Once they book their trip, you will be paid the commission on the booking. Each card on Trello will have the task and there will be notes with how the task will be paid.

Agency Support Workflow

We have a Trello Board that members will use to see tasks and pick up work as it is available. There will be a column for tasks needing to be done. The card will have a client name. There are notes on the front of the card telling you how it pays (hourly vs commission). You can open the card to see details for the task. When you want to pick up the task you will slide the task card to your column (labeled with your name). When the task is completed, you will move it under the COMPLETED ribbon under your name.
Note: Members need to sign up for a Trello account. We will invite members to the board.

 Trello Notes

After you finish a task, be sure to leave good notes at the bottom of the card under the activity section. Make a note of who you talked to, time, date and any notes that would be important.


Support Chat

We also have an Agency Support chat in Teams. Members will be added to the chat. This is a great place to ask Lori or Amanda questions while you are working on tasks. You can also put notes in Chat so that Lori can follow the progress and let her clients know where we are at in completing the task. Be sure to type notes in chat like this: (last name bold and highlighted before the question or statement for the client).


Examples of Tasks & Expectations of the Tasks for Agency Support Team

Making Payments:● Make payment with supplier● Update VCRM with the payment● Send the client a new confirmation● Update total in Travefy on the balance due card● If it is Final Payment, update Lori's SS and mark as "done"
Creating Proposals:● Send it immediately● ALWAYS list pricing from most expensive to least expensive● Use the Travefy Check list to make sure all info was provided● Travel protection is always listed!!!


Note about Confidentiality

Agency Support members are entrusted with confidential and privileged data. Confidentiality should be upheld at ALL times. The team will have access to Lori's client info, client and sales spreadsheet and log -in credentials for suppliers. This is covered under the confidentiality clause in advisor contracts. 

Additional Notes:

● We will add a Trello card under your column that says “admin tasks”. These are back office administrative tasks that can be done when you do not have client tasks to complete. ● Please BE SURE to make notes on what you have done and who you have talked to in the ACTIVITY field at the bottom of the card. ● If you are unsure of something, please track down Amanda or Lori so we can get answers for you. OVER-COMMUNICATE! ● Once a card/task is complete, move it under your complete ribbon and mark it as done. ● If there is something that does not get finished during your working hours, please leave notes/links/etc for the next person to start where you finished.
We appreciate your help SOOOO MUCH! Please let us know if you think something is not working...or if you have ideas on how the team may work better.
If you are not available during your allotted time/days PLEASE let us know as soon as possible. There is also a card on Trello for you to help keep track of scheduling issues.